Saturday 19 July 2014

IT Network Tips for Users

Network stability is very important for any organization. If network is stable, users will forget that there even is a network. This is the goal really.

If it is not configured correctly it can become unstable, start crashing frequently, or just run slowly. A major culprit when it comes to network crashes, instability, and slowness is the network loop.

Network Looping
Meaning :-
Network looping means a request or packet floating in the network without any destination or dead end. When switches connect this way, network packets can be bounced between two switches infinitely. In certain circumstances they can even begin to be duplicated over and over again.

How the Network looping occurs

A loop on the network frequently occurred. The cause of this is usually when a user accidentally connects a LAN cable’s at both ends to the network ports.

What happens if Network Looping Occurs?

A request or packet that doesn’t have dead end will cycle around the network and actually consume 100% of the possible network bandwidth. It results network outage. In this scenario internet as well as local network won’t be working.

Very tough to troubleshoot

If network looping happens then it’s very difficult to identify where is the loop. Because of loop activity all the switches starts blinking very faster than usually. So we cannot identify this issue from switches side.

IT team needs to check each and every conference room to resolve this loop issue. If they don’t get the loop in CR's, then we have to check each and every network ports which users have at their desks.

How to prevent Network Looping

It’s a human error so we cannot do much for this. But to minimize the risk you can help us by :-
1) Do not connect both ends of LAN cable into the wall mounted network ports.
2) If you will see any LAN cable lying in the CR rooms then please give it to IT.

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